I found these great wallstickers while browsing the Web this weekend, If I had money like Gates I surely would have one in my kids room!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I have updated my NESp site

To celebrate the 7th anniversary of my NESp and its Web site I have done an update to the design .
Not a whole heck of a more to say, but I think I will be finishing the NESp V2 and P64 in the coming months.
- nesp.tighelory.com
- nestable.classicgaming.gamespy.com - Hosted on Gamespy
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Crick-Ettes... Ew!
My wife's friend from Arizona sent us another weird food item from there -- Crick-Ettes. Yes that is just a box of crickets for eating. But these are Bacon & Cheddar flavored. I will not be eating those almost cockroaches! Awesome gift though! I love it!
Mmmmmmm… that looks yummy (bleh!)
Save Scotch Valley Ski Area

Well I have finally done it, the small thing I can do to restore something that was a great benefit to my community.
That is what this Web site is, or rather will be. A motivating source for residents of Schoharie and Delaware counties, and other people who want to see Scotch Valley re-opened.
Scotch Valley gave me a lot of good times, great friends and a job for many years, it is the least I can do for it.
Where will this go? will it succeed? That all depends on you! I cannot do this myself.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
My Wife's Yummy Appetizer Idea
cut cheese squares. Use a straw to make a hole (so the cheese doesn't break when you impale it later) put a ripe olive and a cheese square on a pretzel stick!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Just what I needed! (not)

I finally set up my server to take the place of my workstation with one sickly drive -- and as soon as it is set up -- before I can copy the data over -- the sickly drive gets worse! I am in the process of recovery, keeping my fingers crossed.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Quiznos Subs bad -- Mr. Subb infinitely better!
I was convinced to go to Quizno's Subs for lunch today. I always make everyone go to Mr. Subb so I felt bad. After getting my food I know why I don't eat there.
First, it is expensive. Second, they put almost no meat in the Subs. Third, the quality of the meat is sub par. Fourth, they taste like they are loaded with MSG -- probably in the from of modified soy protein. Just look at the pathetic sandwich I had to eat today.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Cumberland Farms: Don't make me a liar!
I was on my way home today. I needed to fill up my tank, so I stopped at the cheap Cumberland Farms to buy $3.57/gallon gasoline.
I swipe my Visa Check Card and the pump asks me "Is this a Debit Card?" Of course it is a debit card -- but it can also be processed as a credit card. You have the choice, but if you choose to use it as a debit card you will most likely incur transition fees. If you use it as a credit card the merchant incurs the fees. Now I know that it is a violation of the agreement that the merchant signs with VISA to require a minimum purchase amount -- and I bet it is also a violation to make me lie in order to use my Check Card as a credit card.
I will be complaining to VISA about this.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Argh I'm Old!
Now I know I am old! I was in Wal✭Mart yesterday and I found a RipStik Casterboard out of the package sitting the floor ready to go. These things intrigued me, and when I see those young whipper-snappers using them it seems so effortless. So I thought I would give it a try.
And I couldn't even get started! I could not balance on the wheels, and I sure wasn't going to be the middle-aged man injuring himself trying a kids toy.
I put it away -- maybe I will give it another try.
How do you like them apples?
I have 3 apple trees in my yard, only one of which produced any fruit. And it made two apples, that is it! Well it is better than my pear, plum and apricot tree did this year. Since there was only two I wanted the kids to see them.
First we checked them out.
One was nicely shaped, while the other was craggy.
Janey went for the pretty one, but couldn't quite reach.
Go Momma help your girl!
Edgar latched right on!
He's got it!
Now inside Janey washed hers…
…while Edgar sniffed his!
They were both quite tasty, but a little small -- I sure love Fuji apples!
And now for the obligatory Good Will Hunting clip:
The best of both fruits
I was looking at my almond tree yesterday and contemplating that it is grafted on a peach root stock. I noticed that the fruit on the tree has two different looks - one just like a peach and the other smaller and more like an apricot.
Then I realized that a sucker from the root had grown to greater height than the almond! I have a tree that produces almonds and peaches! Now most people would want just the almond, but I am perfectly happy to have both! The also is the added bonus that the tree can cross pollinate itself!
The time to pick the peaches is when they easily separate from the tree. So it will be a day or two before I can enjoy them -- I cannot wait!
Coneucopia - Horn of Deliciousness
My wife and I love to come up with new food concoctions. One day while I was eating a waffle ice cream cone it hit me that it is a very convenient package for eating food! I wondered what other foods could be served in a cone. I first thought of putting the insides of a KFC Mashed potato bowl in it -- then I thought of replacing the chicken with ground beef.
My wife then suggested that I instead use the filling of a pilgrim sandwich. A Pilgrim Sandwich -- t he contents of which varies across the country -- is made from turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, and mashed potatoes (optional). It is one of my favorite sandwiches!
Thus the Coneucopia was born. It truly is the meal of plenty!
- Waffle Cones
- ½ Pound Deli Turkey (Thickly Sliced)
- Instant Mashed Potatoes
- Turkey Gravy
- Stuffing
- Cranberry Sauce (Very Important)
- French Fried Onions
Cut the turkey into 1½ inch strips as pictured.
Prepare the mashed potatoes and stuffing according to the instructions.
Warm the turkey in the microwave and then fold it into the prepared potatoes.
Cone Assembly
First take a teaspoon of stuffing and put it into the bottom of the cone. This will act as a dam to keep any juices from leaking out the bottom of the cone.
I found that a straw was useful for packing the stuffing into the bottom of the cone.
Now add a tablespoon of cranberry sauce and pack it down. This will be your dessert waiting for you at the end of the cone!
Next a layer of stuffing.
Add a little gravy on top.
Now a tiny bit of cranberry sauce and a scoop of the potato and turkey mixture. I found that in later cones it was even better if I did more smaller layers till I hit the top of the cone. And then topped it off with a big scoop of potato turkey.
Finally, make a small dent in the top and add a little more gravy. Then the top sprinkle with french fried onions.
And Enjoy!
Janey didn't enjoy it, at least in cone from. She had her turkey on a plate. She was really disappointed when we didn't put ice cream in the cones.