This is a quick video to demonstrate the hum in a Donkey Kong arcade game. This is normal, but some people don't like it.
Tighe Lory comments on things that interest, inspire, anger, and enrage him. Subjects covered include The Transformers, Grave Digger, Japan, Anime, Fansubs, Politics, Ideas, Food, Etc.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Propcycle Perfect Run & World's 2nd Best Score
I know I said I wasn't going to upload another video until I beat the world's record, but this was a nice perfect run, granted I could have trimmed off a few seconds on the Solitar stage.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Adding a power jack to a battery powered device
I add a power adapter plug to a device that never had one. The connector I used will disconnect the battery when it is plugged into the power adapter.
Fixed rattling coin mechs in Donkey Kong
The coin mechs in my Donkey Kong cabaret arcade cabinet would rattle whenever Donkey Kong jumped and made the booming sound. This was because on a Cabaret cabinet the mechs are right next to the speaker. I used some foam to deaden the sound and it fixed the problem.
PropCycle World Record High Score Practice and Morning Exercise
I don't break the record this morning, but I wanted to show you guys where I am at in this game and how close I am to breaking the world record. So far I have scored over 15,000 points, the world record is 18,000 so far I am in second place. I also talk about a few other things at the end of this video if you want to skip ahead.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Installing a PS360 in a Sega Virtual Stick High Grade Joystick
Sorry for the colors being off, my video editing software is acting up. In this video I install a PS360 in a Sega Virtua Stick High Grade, and make it so the stick can be opened from the top.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Tighe's Basement Arcade Update February 2012
I talk about my Propcycle weight loss plan, Awesome NOS Donkey Kong Cabaret marquee sticker I got, Arcade Calendar, and other stuff.